On this invention the international patent application is made. Number of the international application PCT/UA00/00046. The patent application is published in the official journal of World-Wide Organization of Intellectual Property (WIPO) on June 14, 2001. Number of the international publication WO 01/43121. The first patent is obtained (from a series of the patents on this invention), Ukraine ¹ 61951 December 15, 2003.
Such way of reading of the information with CD ROM is used now: the laser's beam is routed on CD's spiral track, gets on a mirroring or unmirroring elementary segments of a track and, accordingly, being mirrored, gets or does not get in a photodetector. That determines logical 1 or 0. i.e. the information is recorded and is read by the sequential binary code.
I offer to determine the value of the information on a veerings angle of a laser beam after interaction with a CD's surface. On CD is put the track with elementary segments which veer of a laser beam under different corners (depending on the information, recorded on these elementary segments). Further the laser beam gets on different segments of a composite photodetector. Then the decoding device determines the information recorded on an appropriate elementary segment of CD. Using a photodetector of maximum complexity, it is possible to write on one elementary segment of CD not one bit, but bytes or group of bytes. Information is recorded and is read in this case in the in parallel - sequential code that magnifies the content of information and speed of its reading.
I can offer some physics properties, which ensure veerings of a laser beam under different angles (for example, different tilt angles of surfaces of elementary segments of a CD's track, concerning a CD's plane). The writing methods of the information on CD, with usage of this or that physical property, demand some laboratory researches.
I also offer some versions of receiver and decoder unit of laser beam.
On my rough estimates of development of technologies, application of which, is required for implementation of the above-stated idea, there is a capability of increase of quantity of the information written on CD and speed of its reading in 16 times minimum (without usage of compression program , for example DVD). Using programs of compression, for example DVD, information content and speed of its reading also are magnified in appropriate quantity of time. And may be, that technologies already developed exist (unknown for me), which will allow usage of my idea with more coefficient of increase of an information content and speed of its reading. The cost of a new compact disks player (computer's CD-ROM drive) may be increased on 30-50 percents in comparison with existing.
If you take an interest in this proposal, details (not disclosed in the patent application) of several offered versions of the design solution and condition of cooperation I will be willing to discuss by further negotiations.
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Last upgrade: January 16, 2006